WW1 Vfx Scene

We were set a task which would involve camera projection and parallaxing elements to give the illusion of a 3d scene. Before creating the scene, we had to plan out what we were going to do. I did a paper sketch to visualize what I wanted to create Here is the final VFX Shot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GwGzTu4vAg

Nuke: Keyer

Keying is an easy and quick way of pulling a matte on a plate which can preserve many details, such as strands of hair, as opposed to rotoscoping. Types of Keys. Different keys are available for different situations. For example; Red/Blue/Green Keyer: These allow you to adjust the alpha for pixels depending on their Red/Blue/Green … More Nuke: Keyer

Nuke: Car EXR Comp

As practice using exr file formats, we were asked to create a composition of a car using a pre-existing Exr image given to us. Because Exr files can have up to 1023 channels, we only needed one file for the car instead of separate images for Ambient occusion, Refraction, glossiness etc. If you were to … More Nuke: Car EXR Comp

Nuke: Rotoscoping

What is Rotoscoping? Rotoscoping is the process of cutting out something from a scene using points and bezier curves as apposed to chrome keying which is faster, but not every shot can use it. The process can be used to remove something from a scene or add something in by creating a mask or ‘matte’ … More Nuke: Rotoscoping

VFX File Formats

Just like when working with any piece of software, you will be importing and exporting files of different formats. The VFX industry has its share of file formats that you must get used to using and learn the pros and cons of each. First thing to note – in the VFX industry, video formats are … More VFX File Formats